Just a short note in between our newsletters to update you on a few new opportunities we want to share with you.

   In our efforts to stay in touch and provide an opening for you to get to know us better, we have joined the social network of Pinterest (Click on above link to go to our page).  Along with our Facebook page, we want to engage in conversations that reach beyond a description of our services and special offers.  Sharing posts on these networks, whether it be helpful tips, kind messages, delicious recipes, or a collective laugh, allows us to fulfill our goal to build trusting relationships with those we serve.

   We look forward to staying in touch between appointments and invite you to join us on Pinterest and Facebook.  We further encourage you to participate by contributing and sharing in this social conversation.

In the meantime, keep enjoying the days of summer.  They go by so fast.

Kindest Regards,

Dr. Lanae Fox, Michele, Sheri, Carrie and Vica


Join Us on Facebook and Pinterest.  We welcome your reviews on our pages, including Yelp.


   Like us on Facebook! (Click on image above)


           office@foxgentledentistry.com    www.foxgentledentistry.com