What we do

Back to School

  Fall 2015   

Quick tip


Mark your calendar. Make a note of important dates, especially back-to-school nights. This is especially important if you have children in more than one school and need to juggle obligations.


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Back to School Ideas for a Healthy and Happy Smile!
Starting off the new school year can be a big change for some families.  Days of sleeping in and taking your time to get the day started are gone by the wayside. Now, it's a race to make sure you get Sarah to the right bus stop and Billy dropped off at school before the second bell so you can get to your job on time! Certain things will be forgotten or put off, like our oral health.  Kids will forget to brush their teeth in the mornings and/or be too tired to brush before bed. 
Tooth care is critical in between a child's standard two dental visits a year. Their homecare and diet plays a pivotal role in their overall dental health. 
Here are a few tips to assist you on your road to happy oral health!!
  • Brush BEFORE breakfast. Studies have shown that if we brush before we eat, the mouth's pH will not dip low enough to form cavities.
  • Choose water. Juice can contain more sugar than children should have in an entire day. This sugar will stay in there mouth and coat their teeth unless they are aware that they should be rinsing their mouth with water or brushing to remove the sugar.  Sugar can also lead to the afternoon 'crash'.
  • Consider diet. School meals may contain processed and sugary foods. Be aware of what is on the school lunch menu. A possible alternative would be to  send your children with a healthy 'sack' lunch.
  • Consider shelf life. Some packaged foods that have a long shelf life like pretzels or crackers contain starch. Starch can coat the teeth and breed cavity causing bacteria. There is a high likelihood that kids will get these types of snacks at school.  When they are at home, offer them veggies or dried fruit as an alternative. 
  • Don't expect pain.  Most of the time, cavities in children's teeth don't hurt until they are infected. The majority of children won't complain about pain. 
  • Be careful about braces.  It takes more time and patience to care for your teeth with braces on them.  It is imperative that children with braces commits to seeing their dentist every 6 months if not more often. Plaque can build up quicker and in more places with braces.

A Confident Smile Will Change Someone’s Day

Give them a smile: a happy, friendly, and genuine smile. Go ahead, flash it;
it's contagious, it’s infectious, It’s the universal expression of happiness.  A simple smile can change someone’s day.

Some people are a little nervous about smiling. They don't think their smile looks good, or they think that smiling makes them look unprofessional or vulnerable. No matter how professional, intelligent, or “together” you think a serious face makes you appear, people almost always respond better to a smile.

We all know of someone we consider to have an "infectious" smile.  Infectious smiles always start with confidence.  If you're not 100% confident in your smile, we’re here to help.

While our first concern is keeping your teeth and mouth as healthy as possible, we  have the tools and the training to make sure you have a smile that gives you confidence and a smile that you’re excited to share with others.

We’re more than happy to discuss with you the many options available to help you achieve a smile worth sharing and a smile that will change someone’s day –including your own.


What is Xylitol?

Pure xylitol is a white crystalline substance that looks and tastes like sugar. Studies using xylitol as either a sugar substitute or a small dietary addition have demonstrated a dramatic reduction in new tooth decay.

Xylitol is widely distributed throughout nature in small amounts. Some of the best sources are fruits, berries, mushrooms, lettuce, hardwoods and corn cobs.

 Xylitol can also be conveniently delivered to your teeth via chewing gum, tablets, or even candy. You can implement our xylitol program anywhere, anytime. It fits right in with the most frantic schedules and you don’t need to change your normal routine to make room for xylitol. Some health regimens require iron willpower, discipline, and commitment. But xylitol tastes so good that it becomes automatic.

Children love it!

The Holiday Season is upon us. As a reminder if you have dental treatment you have put on hold, now may be a good time to schedule an appointment to maximize your insurance benefits and use any remaining flex account dollars you may have. Our Holiday Season does book quickly, so call us today to schedule your appointment.

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 Quotable Quotes: Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said! ~ Author Unknown



Arrowhead Dental Arts

Arrowhead Dental Arts | 402 S. Grass Valley Rd Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352

909-337-0705 |